Monday, March 12, 2012

That's What's Up

This was a weekend wrought with misadventures, which has prompted the following musings. I can attest that over the years, I have been on many a misadventure with many a poor soul, and I have found that these misadventures usually result in the maximum amount of fun. This weekend was no exception.

It all started when the always entertaining Kat rolled into town. For those of you who don't know, Miss Kat is my fabulous sister and partner in crime. These days she goes by the name of Dolly. The afternoon began with a light lunch followed by a pitcher of beer margaritas. Beer Margaritas, you exclaim! And rightfully so, because if you haven't tried a beer margarita, then really, you have no idea what you're missing. I suggest that you make yourself some before reading any further.

One pitcher became two, and before you knew it we were sound asleep. The following morning, we awoke bright eyed and bushy tailed - Just like you always do after consuming copious amounts of tequila, right? Okay okay, I admit it. We might have looked like something the margarita fairy dragged in. It wasn't pretty. But we had places to go and things to see, so rally we did! A little makeup and a breakfast burrito later we looked great. Presentable. Whatever.

Off we went to our next misadventure, a San Diego bay cruise on the Hornblower. Now that's what's up. I think I may have found the perfect hangover remedy. Fresh air and mimosas! Eureka! Get me the US Patent Office on the phone. We learned many things aboard that ship. Did you know that the Navy trains dolphins to scope out enemy submarines? Those cute, cuddly creatures are actually military combatants specially trained in espionage! Another fun fact we learned that day: The Hornblower sells hot dogs. It was the world's best kept secret, and yet we discovered this blissful fact thanks to an overzealous passenger with a fondness for Stella with Sprite and sausage. And finally, I learned that if Kat could be any sea creature in the world, she would be a seahorse. You learn something every day - even those about whom you thought you knew everything.

Now, sadly, it was time for Dolly to say goodbye. She had cotton candy to twirl and happiness to spread. In strolls the husband, with wonderful news that he (finally) has a weekend off. WooHoo! Already I have visions of spending long, lazy hours together, exploring San Diego and remembering why we got married. Imagine my surprise when my wonderful, hard working husband declared that he would like to spend the weekend refinishing the hardwood floors in our rented (yes, RENTED!) house. After a few choice words and an hour (or more) of the silent treatment, I decided that we should probably make the best of this misadventure. We couldn't stay in the house while the floors dried, so we decided to head on up to the Thompson Tavern in Huntington Beach. Aka: Mom & Dad's. Hey, you gotta do what you've gotta do.

Many misadventures ensued, but like most of the best memories I have, the actual events are foggy. However, I am certain that there was a boat, Captain Jack's, and some serious dancing to Rocket Man. I know how to get down.

We returned to beautiful floors, to which I begrudgingly had to agree were worth the weekend of dust and chaos. I awoke this morning to the delivery of our first ever, matching, grown up furniture! After the weekend I had, it's good to have an adult living room to remind me that all good things must come to an end. It's Monday again and I am obligated to put my adult face on.

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