Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year's Eve! Being the perpetual pessimist, I often scoff at the new year. The thought of starting over, of staring at a blank page and having to begin writing a new chapter is daunting and overwhelming. And, in true Virgo fashion, I hate change. I like wearing sweat pants and feeling comfortable in the old year.

For the first time, however, I realize what a difference a year can actually make. I was knocked up for a good portion of 2013, which made me fat and boring. Yet as much as I complain about the mundane existence of my preggo self, I got to feel the little one move inside me. Even when she beat the crap out of me, it was still pretty cool. I got to eat ice cream without guilt and say things like "whatever...I'm pregnant." I was able to paint and decorate a nursery and dream about what kind of person my daughter would be. I bought a thousand books that I loved as child and reread them. My husband didn't even complain when I bought the complete Roald Dahl collection and did a giant belly happy dance in the middle of Costco at the thought of reading the BFG to baby Greene. To his credit, the husband didn't even pretend he wasn't married to me.

I pulled a total me and thought that my water breaking was a false alarm. I drove myself to the hospital like a crazy lady because I didn't want to be told that I was overreacting. I get to have that story forever and laugh every time I think of what a spectacle I made while trying not to bother anybody prematurely.

I endured the agony of labor and the joy of an epidural. I finally got my husband to admit that I am way more badass than he ever thought. I had my insides removed and rearranged during my C-section and through a euphoric, totally legal drug induced fog I saw my daughter for the first time. And it's true what they say, folks. Even though that baby is going to kill me, I was in love with her from the second I saw her. Sure, we've had to have some heart to heart talks and we are still trying to find some common ground (and by we, I'm pretty sure it's just me) but what else do you expect from two Virgo girls born 31 years and one day apart.

It might be the sleep deprivation or the champagne anticipation talking, but even though 2013 was pretty good, the unknown of 2014 is looking really sweet.


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